effectively use your tools

Are You Using Your Tools Effectively?

I was recently working on a woodworking project that I like to do for fun in my spare time. (Yes shocking, as it may seem, I do find that from time to time.) I realized that I needed some replacement blades and staples to complete this project.

I headed off to our nearest hardware store knowing the sizes I needed, but after arriving I come to find out those sizes wasn’t typical sizes.

The sales person tried their best to help me find a fit. He asked what brand they were and I couldn’t recall I just knew it was not any that I seen there on the shelves. It was then we realized the issue was that I had purchased the tools from a discount store and that was the only place I could get the needed replacement parts.

On the drive to the OTHER side of town I got to thinking a little bit, did I really save anything in the long run if I have go out of my way to get refill or replacement parts? And how long will those discount tools be available to get those needed refills?

I think we run into the same thing with our businesses. We try to “save” by getting free tools or cheaper alternatives only to find out a similar situation that it maybe limited in some way maybe not in what the application or service does but maybe we have to go out of the way because of lack of documentation or support to figure out how to do it.

This also made me think about how well did I know my tools, thinks like the specifications, what size it will take, ways to best utilize them, will they work for all of the applications I need to use them and do I even know all of the ways it could be used.

Maybe if I knew that I could actually use it for more than what I really bought it for and in the long run, that in fact is my savings, by not needing another tool.

Again, this applies to our businesses are you utilizing your website, email service etc in all of the ways you possibly can? Maybe with a little research and/or training you could greatly enhance what they do AND increase your business revenue.

In rethinking the situation I now know in the future I will be hesitant about buying discounted products unless I know they are compatible with what I’m doing or needing. I will also look at other ways I might be able to utilize that tool to possibly increase my return on investment.

I hope that maybe you too will consider these things when purchasing tools for your business. And also consider looking into ways to educate yourself about the tools you may already have.

Also, if you have questions about the applications you are using for your business I can help in my “Inner Circle” membership you can ask specific questions for challenges you are facing and I will reply to your problem with a solution and in many cases a how to video. The Inner Circle also gets access to all of my training courses and so much more. You can check it out at http://fdinnercircle.com

About Frank Deardurff

My Passion is my Faith, Family, Love for Music, Art and Photography. I myself have delivered many of my own training courses as well as webinars and teleseminars for many other coaching groups. I’ve also published a book titled “50 Biggest Website Mistakes”. Having many decades of experience in various forms of graphics and IT experience and aspects of online business, my vision is to help others overcome their fears and frustration with taking their businesses online and reach the next level of success.

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