Insights Your Website Stats Should Uncover

Insights Your Website Stats Should Uncover

If you’ve followed me much you know I write a couple of columns Monthly for Marketing University. A recent article I think you might find useful is about how to Maximize your Websites Potential based on the insights your website stats should uncover. In the article found on the Marketing University website I explain different…

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Tips for Improving Your Online Presence as a Speaker

Frank Deardurff Spotlight on speaking

In a recent interview on Bret Ridgway’s Spotlight On Speaking Podcast I shared Tips for Improving Your Online Presence as a Speaker. I’ve done a lot of speaking for various reasons whether it be on stage, workshops, webinars, podcasts, or even in the classroom teaching. Some are easier than others. but in this podcast Bret…

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Why you Shouldn’t use Facebook as Your Website

Facebook is not your website

Something I’ve noticed more and more in the course of my normal week is that business owners are using Facebook in place of their websites. I’m not sure the reason behind this. I don’t know if it’s a case where the business owner thinks it’s too expensive, too hard, or too expensive. I’ll share a…

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9 Website Conversion Tips Revealed

9 website conversion tips

Do you ever wonder how well your website is converting visitors into paying customers? It’s a crucial aspect of running a successful online business, yet it’s often overlooked. In a recent blog post I wrote over at Marketing University, I dive deep into the topic of website conversion and share 9 Top Tips for Website…

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A Quick Look at AI Art For Fun and Profit

AI art from Frank Deardurff showing a walk through a magical drean forest

I’ve been playing with AI art like millions of others. As an artist myself I love playing with different types of art methods. I always have. as far back as I can remember I’ve experimented with different art mediums and as new technologies come out I have to try them as well. Many don’t know…

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What Is  A Side Hustle?

what is a side hustle?

A side hustle is a part-time or freelance gig that someone takes on alongside their regular job. It’s a way for individuals to earn additional income, pursue a passion, or gain new skills and experience. For me, side hustles are a way to explore potential streams of extra income. As the saying goes “don’t put…

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Thinking About Website Costs

thinking about the cost of your website

  I don’t know about you but being a serial entrepreneur I constantly have ideas for projects, products or ways to generate leads. Many times I put up a website without thinking about what the website cost and if the idea is really worth it.  Recently I searched for a domain for an idea I…

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