Benefit of Live Events

I attend several live events each year for many reasons. Some people have asked don’t you get tired of going, or haven’t you already heard those speakers? Well the answer is I may have heard that speaker before but they could be sharing different information or if it’s the same information I might catch something I didn’t catch previously. I mean many of us do the same thing with a good movie to see if we see something else or just remind our selves of why we liked that movie.

The other answer is NO I don’t get tired in going to live events truthfully I get energized in going and here’s why.. I meet so many people at these events that share their thoughts and ideas as well as friends I’ve met at other events so it almost becomes a reunion. Think of all of the connections you can make at a live event. The people attending are most of the time just like you, either right in the same place in their business maybe a little ahead or a little behind but we’re all looking to grow.

A Live event that I will be attending very soon is the BigSeminar it is the Biggest seminar I go to each year this will actually be my 11 time attending this event and each time I learn something new and walk away with a ton of contacts and business possibilites.

I think that BigSeminar is such a great event my business partner and I have put together a FREE bonus package for anyone that registers their seat through us. This package has an actual value of over $1,770 dollars in retail value and I’m giving that to you for attending Big Seminar.

So here is the “Internet Business In-A-Box Bonus Package” we’ve put together for you:

* Pre Big Seminar Teleseminar – To make sure you’re prepared to get the most from the event. ($99 Value)
* 12 Months of our 100 Domain Gold Package Web Hosting – From That One Hosting. ($564 Retail)

* 12 Domain Registrations – One a month for the First Year. ($122 Retail)

* “Ask That One Online Professional” – 12 interviews with online experts that explain how to get it done. ($247 Retail)

* 12 Months Membership to Ask Database – To find out what your web visitors really want. ($359 Retail)

* Lifetime Access to “WordPress Strategies” – Learn how to put pages online without a webmaster. ($97 Retail)

* “WPMember” Software – To create your own membership site with WordPress. ($37 Retail)

* “Affiliate Tool Generator” Software – Lets you create a dynamic affiliate center for your products ($97 Retail)

* Post Big Seminar Webinar – To explain how to get started with everything in your bonus package. ($149 Value)


The reason we’ve selected these items for this package is so that you will have EVERYTHING you need to either get started or move ahead online.

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by, the next Big Seminar is not until the fall of 2009 imagine how far ahead your competition will be in one year if you don’t take action now.

Visit to get the details!

I wish you all the best and much success in everything you do!

Frank Deardurff – That One Web Guy!

About Frank Deardurff

My Passion is my Faith, Family, Love for Music, Art and Photography. I myself have delivered many of my own training courses as well as webinars and teleseminars for many other coaching groups. I’ve also published a book titled “50 Biggest Website Mistakes”. Having many decades of experience in various forms of graphics and IT experience and aspects of online business, my vision is to help others overcome their fears and frustration with taking their businesses online and reach the next level of success.


  1. Greg Steward on October 16, 2008 at 12:21 pm

    Any luck on the laptops?

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