Insights Your Website Stats Should Uncover

Insights Your Website Stats Should Uncover

If you’ve followed me much you know I write a couple of columns Monthly for Marketing University. A recent article I think you might find useful is about how to Maximize your Websites Potential based on the insights your website stats should uncover. In the article found on the Marketing University website I explain different…

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The Month of August is for Great Triumphs


August was named in honor of the first Roman Emperor because it was a month of great triumphs. Make the month of August the month you conquer your challenges. Going along with that frame of mind, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is our online empire. We do need to be aware though…

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Unhappy With Your Website?

I don’t think anyone is completely happy with their website. I know I for one am not. It seems there is always something that can be improved or tweaked to get better website conversion or better traction with the website visitor. We could constantly modify to get the best results like changing colors here or…

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Colors Affect Purchase

I’ve talked about this before but I feel it’s important to cover again because everyone is always looking for ways for better conversion and improving sales. In my post before I explained how website visitors are affected by different colors not just of how it appeals to them but how it psychologically affects them. Today…

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Click To See Price

OK a quick web rant today. In recent searches for some technology upgrades I needed/wanted to make I’ve noticed something a little irritating to me and in my opinion is not a good marketing strategy. (I’d love to hear if you agree.) First let me explain… You search the internet for a what you’re looking…

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Upsell Utopia Or Upsell Hell?

This has to be one of the most overlooked mistakes. And it’s not the fact that upsells are done wrong. The biggest mistake is that they’re not done at all. First, let’s clarify what an “upsell” actually is. An upsell is an offer made at the time of ordering to make additional sales to that…

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Order & Submit Buttons

I see this mistake quite a bit or maybe I don’t! So many times I see order buttons and form submit buttons that don’t appear to be buttons. Many web designers will make great looking graphical buttons to “match” the design of the rest of the site. While these buttons might look nice they aren’t…

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Mistakeable Guarantee

This is a common mistake on many websites and that is either a non-existant or weak guarantee. There are many misconceptions about using a guarantee on the website. I’ve heard some discussion about the fact that if they add a guarantee to their website they are afraid that brings to light the possibility that the…

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Website Video Mistakes

With more people using video on their website I see this next mistake over and over again. First let me state that I think use of video on your website is a good idea, as long as it is done correctly. Many times we see video that has been put on the page below the…

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Free Transcription Teleseminar

On Thursday February 26th , 2009 4pm Eastern I will be interviewing Janette Buckhaulter of Success Transcripts about the most asked questions regarding turning your audio into income. This is a free call to listen live simply visit and submit your question enter your name and email. We will be sharing details of ways…

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Web Site Branding Mistakes

One of the biggest mistakes I see with a webiste is lack of identity, something that the visitor can recognize as your brand whether it is a definable logo; tag line; or color theme; be sure to carry that identifier through the whole sales process.

Let me explain, to many times I’ve seen an optin page (the page a visitor comes to on first visit to give name and email) that either was pretty basic or had one look and feel and then after the visitor opted in have yet another look and feel, only to be followed up by the shopping cart or order page that yet was a total disconnect from the previous two pages.

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