how to get your emails read

How To Get More Emails Opened

Just as first impressions are important so are the first words of your email if you want to get more emails opened.

In our fast paced world getting to the point is very important, plus take into consideration we’re trying to do more in less space. Think about how much you use your mobile device for about everything. Phones, tables, smart watches etc. smaller screens means less information you have to get people to open your message. But it’s just not mobile devices, your desktop and laptop email applications are doing this too.

In the past we would start with a salutation, and a line about what the message was about and the date before we even got into the actual message of the email we were sending.  It looked something like:

TO: Jennifer Smith
FROM: Frank Deardurff III
RE: A very important message

Fast Forward To Today’s Emails

We really have about 15-25 words to get the recipient to decide if they want to open the email. Think about this you have maybe 5-7 words for the subject line and 15-20 words that is pulled from the beginning of your email message.

Check it out for yourself, look at your preferred email client, You will see a line for the From Name, A line with the subject and generally two lines for an excerpt from your message.

mobile email sample

You REALLY need to chose your words wisely at this point or your message never gets opened and you end up in the trash.

First look at your “From” Name is it just your name or company name or does it say enough so they identify with who you are? Mine states “Frank – That One Web Guy!” I try to keep that consistent with the emails I send out.

The next two areas you need to think about it like you would your Headline and sub-headline on your sales page. Meaning the Headline (email subject) Get’s their interest to read the Sub-headline (message excerpt) which should be enough teaser to get them to click to open and read.

I Know, It Sounds Like a Lot of Work

But really, anything worth doing right usually does. If you do something half way, you generally get half way results. Once you get into the habit of doing this it really does become easier. Remember these three steps when sending out your next email.

  1. Does your from line state who you are and what you represent.
  2. Does your subject line entice the reader enough to read the excerpt.
  3. Make sure you state in 15-20 words enough teaser content to get them to open and read the rest of your message.

Feel free to comment below what works for you while using this method.

About Frank Deardurff

My Passion is my Faith, Family, Love for Music, Art and Photography. I myself have delivered many of my own training courses as well as webinars and teleseminars for many other coaching groups. I’ve also published a book titled “50 Biggest Website Mistakes”. Having many decades of experience in various forms of graphics and IT experience and aspects of online business, my vision is to help others overcome their fears and frustration with taking their businesses online and reach the next level of success.

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