How To Avoid Opt-in Form Abandonment
I was recently asked how many form fields is to many on an option page/form. Or a similar question is are there form fields that will cause opt-in form Abandonment. To answer that we need to look at a few different things…
It is hard to give a global answer that meets everyone’s needs. What I will say is that is best to test and see what works for you.
But before I move on let me get everyone on the same page. An opt-in form is generally a box or area on your web site that asks the visitor for their name and email. Generally this is in exchange for providing them more information, a special offer, a newsletter etc.
With that being said the “easy” is in most cases I would say the answer is “less is more”.
Many times in fact we see today just the email address being requested to opt-in to your offer. But in saying that it brings to light something else other than just the number of fields that could be hindering opt-ins.
Without elaborating to much on each lets first list a few of the possible things that can affect whether or not someone does or doesn’t fill in your opt-in form.
- Appearance – Does it stand out on it’s own or blend in to the web site?
- Instructions – Does the visitor know what they are supposed to fill out?
- Benefit – Is the offer worth something for them to want to enter their details?</>
- To Much – Are you wanting the visitor to submit a biography
These are just a few things that could keep someone from filling in your opt-in form. You only have a few moments to make an impression. If your asking for prenups on the first date chances are your’re going to scare them away. Meaning asking for to much information or even if it looks like you’re going to follow up with a phone call and they don’t even know if you have the information they’re wanting.
A good opt-in should have a headline for the opt-in that BRIEFLY explains what to expect, followed by brief instructions on what to do. Enter your name and email and click the button that reads “Claim my Free Whatever”. I know that seems pretty self explanatory but it will make a difference on conversion.
Again make sure the form is boxed in and is obvious it is a form to fill-in. Also be sure that the button says EXACTLY what you told them it would say and the button stands out and not hidden.
Additionally, make sure the page you deliver your promised offer is what you said it would be. It’s okay even to give a little more.
In the case where you are wanting a phone number or more information on the email it’s probably okay on this page to ask for it now. Or even better, something I highly recommend is have a follow up series of emails to the opt-in so that you can get them to consume the free whatever you delivered.
If you’d like to learn more about the follow up series, visit my post titled Missed Lead Follow Up.
One final thing I’d like to add to this is test, test and test again. Test your opt-in to see what fields do or do not get you more optins. Test button colors, button text, headlines. audio vs no audio, etc. there are so many things that work or don’t work for each industry. That is the main reason their is no defacto answer for everyone.
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