Newsletter and Kicking off 2009

imn-125x125-012009 is just around the corner and if you’ve not put plans in place to make 2009 even better than 2008 nows the time to get moving on those plans.

First off Armand Morin has created the Internet Marketing Newsletter if you are unsure who Armand is he is one of the leaders in the internet marketing today. I am in Armand’s Mentoring group and I cannot tell you the numerous things I learn from him each and every week. I’m also fortunate enough to work for and with Armand on a daily basis and I see first hand how the things he is doing is cutting edge in many aspects.

Back to the newsletter… the Internet Marketing Newsletter is a must have resource as several of the monthly columnists are not only good friends of mine but also tops in their niche of marketing and or services. The Cool thing about the Internet Marketing Newsletter is that it’s absolutely FREE! I’ve seen others SELL content of this calliber for up to $100 a month but you’ll get this one Free so it is someting you definitely need to sign up for to help kick off your 2009 in the right direction.

Another thing I wanted to tell you about is that on December 30th my business partner Zachary McCullough and I are having a webinar to help you even further get on the right path for 2009. We’ll be covering many need to know things for your internet business. Things like tools and services as well as tips and tricks for creating content and products, Yes and we are going to host this call for FREE! You Read that right we are hosting a 90 minute webinar absolutely Free.

Zach and I together have put online some services or applications you may have heard of things like Ask Database, Affilaite Tool Generator, WordPress Strategies, WPMember, Mastermind in a Box, That One Hosting and many others so I’m sure you will want to be on this webinar it is limited to the number of seats we can register and since it is free you will want to do so as soon as you can! Click Here to register!

So to get your 2009 started off on the right foot you need to take action right now and do these two things.

Register for the Free internet Marketing Newsletter Click Here

Register for the “Kicking Off 2009” Webinar Click Here!

About Frank Deardurff

My Passion is my Faith, Family, Love for Music, Art and Photography. I myself have delivered many of my own training courses as well as webinars and teleseminars for many other coaching groups. I’ve also published a book titled “50 Biggest Website Mistakes”. Having many decades of experience in various forms of graphics and IT experience and aspects of online business, my vision is to help others overcome their fears and frustration with taking their businesses online and reach the next level of success.


  1. Terrance Charles on December 24, 2008 at 9:20 am

    Great post, 2009 is going to be BIG. I’m already making changes, clearing out my business and welcoming the new, results already seen.

    Terrance Charles

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