Product Mastery Seminar Report

Ok JUST got back from the Product Master Seminar yesterday evening.

Heather Seitz and Kendra Cecieta put on an awesome event, I was honored with being able to speak at this event. It was great sharing the stage with many of my friends like Armand Morin, Michel & Sylvie Fortin, Mike Stewart, Bret Ridgway, Stu McLaren, Ray Edwards, Heather Seitz, Matt Bacak. And getting to speak on the stage with a few new people I’d not got to meet before like Kendra Cecieta, Josh Brown, James Malinchak was quite an honor.

I was taking notes through out the event myself. Heather and Kendra set up the event to put the speakers in a logical order, which was based on the order of how you would need that resource in your business, which is why I got to speak first since I was covering the basic tools to get started and how to create your first information product.

Here is a picture of me with Heather and Kendra:

The Hosts of Product Mastery Seminar with Frank Deardurff

The Hosts of Product Mastery Seminar with Frank Deardurff

I can’t emphasize enough the power of live events and networking. Be sure to take your business to the next level and attend a live event the next chance you get.

All the best and much success in everything you do!

Frank Deardurff III – That One Web Guy

Here is another picture where I got to meet James Malinchak:

James really knows his stuff about Speaking from the stage!

James really knows his stuff about Speaking from the stage!

About Frank Deardurff

My Passion is my Faith, Family, Love for Music, Art and Photography. I myself have delivered many of my own training courses as well as webinars and teleseminars for many other coaching groups. I’ve also published a book titled “50 Biggest Website Mistakes”. Having many decades of experience in various forms of graphics and IT experience and aspects of online business, my vision is to help others overcome their fears and frustration with taking their businesses online and reach the next level of success.


  1. Matt Bacak on October 21, 2008 at 11:41 am

    It was great seeing you there! Wish we could have talked more. 🙂 Matt

  2. Frank on October 22, 2008 at 9:34 pm

    Hey Matt – Definitely good to see you as well. We’ll just have to catch up at the next event.

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