Today Only 3 Event Tickets for the price of 1

Today and ONLY today you can get a ticket for Big Seminar, Armand Morin Live & Product Mastery Seminar all for the price of attending Big Seminar.

Here’s the deal Armand Morin is adding a ticket to his 3-day Live event if you buy a Big Seminar Ticket today but since I’m speaking at the Product Mastery Seminar I’ll throw in a ticket to that too Only if you buy your Big Seminar ticket through me.

A ticket to “Armand Morin Live” sells for $2997 and a ticket to Product Mastery Seminar sells for $1497 but you get BOTH of those tickets FREE if you get your “Big Seminar Ticket” Today! Oh one more thing today is also the last day for the two pay option so hurry…


Here’s a little information for you this is the last Big Seminar for a whole year. That’s right Big Seminar used to be twice a year but starting next year it only happens in the fall so if you’ve thought about going now is the best time to go. Plus Armand Morin’s 3-day Live event will be awesome, Live training with Armand him self and you won’t want to miss the Product Mastery Seminar – because the information shared there will show you how the system for creating more profits from your information products.


Get your Big Seminar Ticket once your sale is confirmed you’ll get the details of the other two. I’m looking for seeing you at all three I’ll be there…

Frank Deardurff – That One Web Guy!
President That One Corporation LLC
CEO Access Café Networks, Inc.

P.S. – Remember this is only today so you have to take action now

About Frank Deardurff

My Passion is my Faith, Family, Love for Music, Art and Photography. I myself have delivered many of my own training courses as well as webinars and teleseminars for many other coaching groups. I’ve also published a book titled “50 Biggest Website Mistakes”. Having many decades of experience in various forms of graphics and IT experience and aspects of online business, my vision is to help others overcome their fears and frustration with taking their businesses online and reach the next level of success.


  1. DIckson Wanyonyi on September 19, 2008 at 4:21 am

    Hi Frank,
    Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus christ who holds everthing together.Thank you very much for your connection wihtus.We would like to know a new blog post titled simply stands for what? Please let me know so that we be sure of what we are going to get.Secondly we would like to inform you once againthe work that we have in our ministry, my full name is Dickson Wanyonyi,my ministry is children’s Ministry, i am working wiht orphan children and single parent children.I have got a school tha i educate them wiht some teachers that i have employed.I am a farmer and i always face alot of problems in my work.But i thank GOd because he always make fo rme a way where there is no way.I know when we work together with you everything will be easier through prayers.As i told you i am in Kenya, Western province, in theplce called Webuye.There is where i work with the servant of GOd.
    We have poor families who are the church members and they need help.The church we have is not well build and we are arranging to expand and also the chairs and instrument in church we have a shortage.We just pray to GOd that He will help us in all ways.
    Be blessed.
    Dickson Wanyonyi.
    p.o box 751
    Kenya 50205

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