Wedding Gifts For Everyone!
This is a win, win, win, for everyone who takes part in this wedding celebration.
You can help me help a friend, which benefits you with an outrageous offer. Basically, my friend, Willie Crawford is sponsoring a wedding for his youngest daughter in a few months. She wanted a fairly elaborate ceremony, and to pay for it Willie decided to have a big “Wedding Fire Sale.”
What’sIronic is my daughter is getting married next month so by me helping Willie generate funding for his daughters wedding I will be generating funding for my daughters wedding all while netting you and excellent suite of products for an outrageous price.
Willie went out and had some custom software created. Then he gathered up a HUGE collection of fairly new reprint rights products, courses, MP3 marketing-related recordings, software, ebooks, and membership sites access. As an unadvertised bonus, this package includes a teleseminar that Willie and I had on Changing Web Hosts.
When Willie was finished, he had nearly $4800 worth of stuff. Then he did something  really INSANE. He decided to offer it all to his list for UNDER $50. It’s priced at less than one cents on the dollar!
However, Willie is only running this wedding fire sale for a few days. I’ve already grabbed my package and encourage you to do the same. You can grab it here:
Willie also has a customer-only affiliate program. You can join this affiliate program, earn 50%, and Willie will pay you each DAY!
As I said, this won’t last long, so go get signed up now. This is the biggest and best deal I’ve seen since I’ve been online. This is not out-dated junk either. Willie actually had some new software developed for this sale.
Go see how Willie is making Internet marketing history at:
Until next time all the best and much success in everything you do!
Frank –