website help

5 Types of Website Help You Probably Need

I know this is a common question for many small businesses or online businesses. Where do I find website help? That is a very good question that I’m sure I can help you get the answer to.

First there are some things you should consider when looking for website help. The biggest is what is it you actually need help with on your website. If you don’t know you may end up overpaying for any help you may get. 

I see this happen a lot. A person needs a few things corrected and then gets persuaded into a lot of things they really don’t need or don’t need right at that moment. And it may be that you as a business owner do not know the correct terms of what you even need when it comes to your website.

confused about website helpBelieve me I get it, There are areas I don’t know the right term, or what to ask for like working on a car, or maybe some electrical work around the house. You go to try to get the right part and if you don’t ask a reputable service person they automatically think Cha-Ching! I can sell this person some Titanium muffler bearings. (HINT: There’s no such thing!)

It is totally fine of course to NOT know what to call something but you should have a good idea what it is you are needing OR think of it from another angle. What is it not doing?

For example somethings a website may not be doing is not getting traffic, or maybe your order buttons don’t work. Maybe you don’t even have order buttons and you’re trying to figure out how and where to get them. I’ve had customers come to me and say here this is what I’ve bought for my website, make it work, or which of these can I get rid of. 

I’ve actually coached with a customer before that I’ve had to tell them don’t buy anything else until you talk to me first. I’ve seen customers buy hosting when they already had it. Or have multiple shopping carts and didn’t have any of them set up. Or had the cart but no merchant services. That is exactly why it’s best to figure out what is either broken or what isn’t happening that you want to happen when looking for website help.

One of my biggest frustrations is seeing small businesses and or website owners getting taken advantage of. I’ve seen forums and groups where people are paying as much for a website as they would pay for a car. It’s not that expensive. Sure, depending on what you want to do it can add up, but for the average business looking to generate leads, get more sales, and get more paying customers it is actually more cost efficient then other forms of marketing and advertising. 

So Let’s Talk About Some Things You Might Need Website Help For

Graphic website help - This would be if you need images, custom graphics, logos, or photos added to your website. Maybe your website images are not loading correctly or loading slow. It could be you don’t know where to get images for your website. 

This can be a costly mistake, you can either over pay for images or what is called stock photos. What I mean is this if you buy images from someplace they provide them in size for different purposes such as web or print. Website images don’t need to be as high in resolution as you would for print images so they are much cheaper. The good thing is there are many places where you can find images for free if you know the right places to look.

If you’ve Googled for images and use them on your website. This can lead to issues as it’s hard to tell if images you find that way are copyright protected or not. If you are unsure it’s best not to use them as there could be penalties or fines if the owner of the images finds them and it does happen. 

Mobile Website help is another area that has become popular of late. More and more people are relying on their cell phones and tablets to check out websites. Sadly many websites just don’t work as well, or look as good on mobile devices. So this is another area you may need help with to make sure you aren’t missing out on sales or business leads because your website isn’t mobile friendly.

Marketing Your Website is an often overlooked area that you may need assistance with. Just because you have a website doesn’t mean everyone knows what it is. There are ways to get your website found without spending a ton of money running advertisements. This can be done with what is called SEO which is short for Search Engine Optimization. A fancy way of saying, getting your website found in Google, Yahoo, MSN etc. Many of these sites have free business listings you can get your website listed on that will help get traffic to your website. You can also take advantage of social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well as others to generate more traffic. 

Website security is also another big area that many businesses discover they need website help with. You may see on your website that there is a broken lock in the address bar next to your website address.

This means your website is not secure and can cause issues if you are collecting data or orders on your website. It can also cause issues with getting listed in the search engines as mentioned earlier. You may have found that your website is acting funny or has been defaced or “hacked” as they call it. Where someone has gained access to your site just to cause trouble.

This can get your website shut down by your hosting company. (That is where your website lives online.) It can be restored once it’s cleaned up and sometimes can be costly depending on the damage done but regular maintenance can keep this from happening.

You Need A Website - Of course the biggest reason you are looking for website help would be that you don’t have one and you want to get one set up but don’t know where to start. As we talked earlier a website is one of the most cost effective ways to market your business. It can be used to generate leads, Take orders, showcase your products and so much more. 

With a website you can start small and add on as you need or can afford to grow it. They key is to get something up that represents your business well and has the appropriate branding for your company.

So What Do I Need Next When Looking For Website Help?

Since we’ve discussed many areas where you may need website help and I’m sure there are other areas as well. You should be able to see who you may need to hire. 

For example Graphic help you may look for a graphic designer or website designer. For Mobile website help you may need a webmaster or a web developer. For traffic and SEO you could look for an SEO Specialist or a Website Marketer. For security issues a good webmaster can help you with those issues. 

And of course if you don’t have a website search for a website designer, website developer or webmaster. In some cases a webmaster only works on sites that have already been built and a website designer will design the site but not build it so be sure to ask those questions before hiring them. 

Know what you are getting in advance. Set a plan of what services are needed and what will be delivered on completion. This is good for you AND the person doing the work so that there are no hard feelings from miscommunication. It’s not uncommon to see something else you want done once you get started and you should be aware of additional charges for project changes. 

Can I Get Help Finding Website Help?

Certainly, A website coach or a business coach can help locate assistance with any of the above needs. That being said, I myself can provide website help for any and all of the above services we’ve discussed. I have been helping customers for well over 20 years now. 

Being an all around marketing webmaster, graphic artist, and business coach I can definitely help you from beginning and beyond with all of your website needs. I’ve also published books on creating and improving your website. If you’d like to connect visit my contact page or visit to see just some of the ways you can hire me to help with your website needs.

About Frank Deardurff

My Passion is my Faith, Family, Love for Music, Art and Photography. I myself have delivered many of my own training courses as well as webinars and teleseminars for many other coaching groups. I’ve also published a book titled “50 Biggest Website Mistakes”. Having many decades of experience in various forms of graphics and IT experience and aspects of online business, my vision is to help others overcome their fears and frustration with taking their businesses online and reach the next level of success.

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