These posts are articles, reviews and training's written by Frank Deardurff. They are on a wide range of topics such as marketing, business, graphics, productivity to help you improve your business. Feel free to comment or visit the contact page if there is a topic you'd like covered. OR if you would like Frank to write an article for your blog.
Free Short URL Service
I've just revamped another one of my many sites. This is similar to tiny url and other services EXCEPT allows you to...
Why is My Space Stealing Paul Cooligan’s Content?
My good friend Paul Colligan just showed me an article of at Tech Crunch that PROVES Myspace has "borrowed" his content. Not sure if...
Cool Site
In my day-to-day work and play I happen to find many sites. The Daily Slurp is a cool site to look over for design...
Need traffic to your blog?
Just a quick post... If you are needing to get traffic to your blog you might check out Blog Rush from John Reese. It...
Hard to Believe
Wow, I can't believe the whole month of August came a went with out a single post. Not that there wasn't anything to post...
I posted this post on my MySpace Blog and thought I liked the message of it and would post it here as well. I...
Womens Business Empowerment Summit
Have any of these phrases ever come out of your mouth? "Of course I want to generate more income, but... "I don't have time...
Web Site Crash Course Webinar Replay
A couple weeks ago I sent out an email about a webinar series I was hosting You may recall it was titled Web Site...
Interactive Sales Letters
My friend and well respected copywriter Michel Fortin has been discussing the death of the sales letter on his blog. In the most recent...
Have you ever been lost?
Have you ever been on a trip out of town, got off on the wrong exit and wound up in an undesirable area of...
Stephen Pierce’s For A Greater Cause
Hey Everyone you have to check out Stephen is doing something really great to help feed hungry children. Just visit, and you can help Stephen...
Web Site Crash Course Webinar
Let me take you step by step on getting started with the NEED TO KNOW about online tools. Not all of the boring stuff...