Did you Forget it?
I Have a free video tip for you in just a second but first wanted to share a thought (and a good post) I pushed myself to get up early this morning. Not that 7:30 is early for most but as many know I don’t sleep much anyway. But I was determined to get another work out in this week.
As I was eating my breakfast before going and catching up on my Words With Friends games I was tempted to just climb back in bed and then I thought no there is way to much I want to get finished today before the end of the week. And then I thought of a few discussions with my good friend Jim Howard whom I have the good fortune to talk with almost daily. We share a lot about our passion for our faith, love for football and keeping a positive mental attitude.
Something that came to mind as I was fighting the voices in my head was “Finish Strong” something I’ve heard him speak from the stage on a few occasions as well as a discussion about “Win The Day”. This discussion which I’m referring to was that I had heard the new coach for my favorite football team “The Bears!!!” comment before we can championships and before we can win the Super Bowl we must “Win The Day!” Jim shared with me that he had heard this before and strongly believed it as well, so much that he had written a blog post on his “Live Life Revolution” site about it, I think you’ll enjoy the post as well.
So with that being said I wanted to win THIS day, finish strong and knock out some things I’ve been wanting to complete this week so that I can in good conscious enjoy the weekend.
I’m working on finishing up a members area where I share tips that we as online business owners struggle with. These are things that I’ve learned being “That One Web Guy” for nearly two decades now as well as being a marketer, author and product creator myself.
So here is a video that I’m adding to the members area that is about what to do if you’ve forgotten your username, password or email address on your WordPress install. After the video in the comments section please let me know if you’ve found it useful and maybe a suggestion for one of these type of videos you think might be good for my members area. Thanks
Again if you found this useful please let me know in the comments section – maybe suggest a tip you’d would like to see.
Great Frank! That happened to me before, lucky for me I had a friend who knew how to get it back for me. I watched him do it, but just like you said in the video “don’t be scared” I was. Once I saw him go into the cPanel I zoned out.
Lucky for me I have learned lots about WordPress and cPanel, mostly from you and I am not scared of my cPanel any more! 🙂
That’s Awesome Carla – thanks for the feedback I appreciate it. I like trying to make technology less scary for people.
Great video Frank, Thanks
Guess What!! My niece was here and she totally forgot all of her log in information. Not only was your information great it was super timely too!
Thanks Frank!