challenge yourself

Learn To Grow


I read a lot of quotes as you may or may not know about me already. I find them motivational and thought provoking and of course sometimes humorous. A quote that I read this morning stood out and it is by Ronald E. Osborne. He said, “Unless you do something beyond what you’ve already mastered, you will never grow”.

I find that to be so true!

Think about it just as we should try each day to do some sort of exercise each day to stay in shape we should also do some sort of mental exercise each day to keep our brains in shape.

There is no excuse for us not to learn at least one new thing each day. With the technology all around us. It is really quite simple to find something new about what we are already doing to keep us a head of the game.

I know there are probably some skeptics out there that are saying well I’m a plumber and I already know how to plumb what else can I learn. Or I’m a writer I already know how to write. Or even I’m a web guy (or gal) and I already know how to create a web site.

The thing is while that might be true, imagine if you could learn one thing new you might be able to do it better or faster and be able to charge more or get more done by learning one new thing. It might even make you better than your next competitor which in turn makes you more money. And isn’t that what we are all striving to be? More successful?

So if you are at this point saying “how do I learn one more thing today?” Just look around we have all the knowledge we need at our finger tips. Go to your favorite search engine whether it be Google or Bing or Yahoo, and type in your profession followed by “tips”.  You will be surprised at the information that will come up. Another cool place is to go to and do the same thing. You will see a list of videos based on your search result allowing you to learn at least one new thing you hadn’t before.

To be quite honest I’ve been there many times myself. As I was recording my first podcast recently I ran into a challenge with a new piece of software that I’ve not quite mastered yet (Adobe Audition). I went to You tube and search for “how do I fix….” BINGO! about a dozen search results came back with the information I needed. I learned something new AND fixed the challenge I was facing.

Make sure at some point today take a moment to take a “mental” break and learn something new. I think you will feel a bit better about yourself and you’ll be even smarter than you were when you woke up.

I’d love to hear your comments below on how your learn something new each day…

About Frank Deardurff

My Passion is my Faith, Family, Love for Music, Art and Photography. I myself have delivered many of my own training courses as well as webinars and teleseminars for many other coaching groups. I’ve also published a book titled “50 Biggest Website Mistakes”. Having many decades of experience in various forms of graphics and IT experience and aspects of online business, my vision is to help others overcome their fears and frustration with taking their businesses online and reach the next level of success.


  1. Cathy Goodwin on July 16, 2013 at 8:25 am

    I liked this post but after all, I’m an ex-professor and learning is my thing. My challenge isn’t finding something to learn every day. It’s learning how to do something (and I totally agree with your suggestion about googling for help: I do it all the time) and then two weeks later you have to re-learn because the software or app has changed. I got so excited when I read about the Blue Sky tool in photoshop elements … and I can’t find it at all in Elements 10.

    Besides all the business-related info, I think it’s important to stretch your mind and get perspective. I’m hooked on the MOOCs, like Coursera. I just watch the videos and attempt some quizzes – no time to delve into the assignments but I’m still getting a lot out of it.

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