Quick Kindle Publishing
I never really considered myself a “writer”. I mean the thought did cross my mind growing up that it would be cool to write a book, but I thought I would be the last person I know to actually write a book of any kind.
Now if you were to search Amazon for my name 5 books come up. Three I’ve written another I have a chapter in from an interview I did and another for a cover I designed. (By the way if you need a cover designed check out my service iMakeBookCovers.com.) Of course I also did the covers for the books I published as well.
I actually find it fun to write, on different topics. I’m actually taking an online masterclass with James Patterson so maybe one day soon I’ll write a fiction title as well.
While my grammar is not always the best and my thought process is sometimes all over the place (I’m sure you can relate) I feel it is safe to say with the right editor anyone can write a book. I mean look at me I think that should be proof enough 🙂
So let me get to the reason I’m writing this post today. There is the thought that is difficult and expensive to get published and I would like to say that’s just not true on both counts.
And to prove just how easy it really is I’ve created a quick course on how I actually publish my books on Kindle. I call this “Quick Kindle Publishing“. I take you through the writing process I use as well as how to set up your account and publish your book. I also share how I self published my first physical book, the resources I use and much more. I made this training reasonably priced because I want you to see more people reach their goal of publishing their first book.
You can find out all of the details and order by clicking this link —> Quick Kindle Publishing