Where To Go From Here?

Well this past month has pointed out some things and made me think about others.

In this self imposed thirty-day blog challenge. I’ve learned “I can’t be everything to everyone”, and I want to thank those that commented on one of the earlier posts in January for your candor for sharing your thoughts.

You’re right I need to figure out what my priorities are and plan accordingly. Not just my priorities in my life, but in my business, I have to change my mentality on attacking the day with a plan and letting myself loose focus because of distractions I allow to disrupt the plan.

One of the comments in that post was something like this “what may seem like an emergency, may not be as big of an emergency as it appears.” I need to determine what is an emergency and what is something that could be scheduled later in the day or week that allows me to stay on task that way more gets completed 100% not 100 things 50%.

I’m still assessing the tools mentioned and the tools I’ve been using. (I’m always interested in suggestions for organization 😉 ) I’ve shut down some already because they weren’t working. I also need to assess the team I have around me, meaning what should I be doing, what could be done else where and what just isn’t getting done and why.

The book the E-Myth has me thinking about a few things along those lines and I hope to finish reading that in the coming week.

Something else I’ve learned from this past 30-days of posts – THAT’S A LOT OF POSTS!

Some of them I wished would have gotten more comments so I looked at that that maybe the comment link is to hard to find? (I made a tweak on that). Are the post I’m writing posts you want to read? (Sometimes maybe!?) Still working on this one just is life everything a work in progress.

I hope you come back frequently even thought the 30-day challenge is complete I will be making posts at least once maybe twice a week. Feel free to comment let me know the kind of things you’d like to read about. In being a direct response webmaster, web application developer, entrepreneur, Husband, Dad, Grandpa, etc… I’m sure I have plenty to ramble on… uh er talk about.

Thanks again for the suggestions and insights from this past month, and continued comments in the future as I try figure out Where do I go from here!

About Frank Deardurff

My Passion is my Faith, Family, Love for Music, Art and Photography. I myself have delivered many of my own training courses as well as webinars and teleseminars for many other coaching groups. I’ve also published a book titled “50 Biggest Website Mistakes”. Having many decades of experience in various forms of graphics and IT experience and aspects of online business, my vision is to help others overcome their fears and frustration with taking their businesses online and reach the next level of success.


  1. Narek Gabrielian on February 3, 2011 at 11:58 pm

    Hi Frank,

    This is the first time I hear about your 30 day challenge. That sounds interesting.

    So, were you posting every day for a month?

    I’m going to go back to your previous posts and check them out.

    By the way, do you get post ideas easily? I mean, is it easy for you to decide what to write about?

    Better and better,

    Narek Gabrielian

  2. Connie Ragen Green on February 4, 2011 at 12:11 am

    I consider it an honor to read your posts. You are so knowledgeable and have experienced so much with online marketing.
    Have you thought about repurposing your posts into a book? I have done that with everything I write and the process has turned me into an author.
    Thanks again, and I look forward to reading even more from you.

  3. Kim on February 4, 2011 at 12:20 am

    Wow 30 posts! I will have to remember that if someone could do 30 posts in 30 days I can at least do 3 a week.
    Having only read a few of the posts over the 30 days I am not sure this question was asked or not. Have you read problogger secrets for blogging your way to a six-figure income by Darren Rowse before you decided to to 30 posts in 30 days? The reason why I ask is there is lots of ideas how to do what you did but make it easier for you.
    I’m going to read what you done which is a great thing and good for you!! Major pat on the back
    Kim Snyder avid beauty blogger at http://overallbeauty.com/beauty-blog/

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