WordPress Plugins

Later this week I will have a post with the top Plugins I use on my blogs ( I had a post earlier on WordPress security).

I generally keep it simple on plugins but it really depends on what I’m doing with that blog.

Something that I will be adding to my WordPress Strategies Members area is an on going post about plugins.

I’m curious what plugins do you find useful for your WordPress sites. Also do you have a favorite theme? I’m currently using Thesis for this blog but some of my other sites I use Woo Themes or a customized theme.

If you have a plugin you’d like to share go ahead and leave a comment.

About Frank Deardurff

My Passion is my Faith, Family, Love for Music, Art and Photography. I myself have delivered many of my own training courses as well as webinars and teleseminars for many other coaching groups. I’ve also published a book titled “50 Biggest Website Mistakes”. Having many decades of experience in various forms of graphics and IT experience and aspects of online business, my vision is to help others overcome their fears and frustration with taking their businesses online and reach the next level of success.

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