Posts by Frank Deardurff
Quick Website Tip You MUST read
This post is for people that own websites or visit websites, which these days is pretty much anyone correct? As you may or may not know I run a hosting company called That One Hosting – one of the biggest issues I see on any hosted sites is that people are running the WordPress platform…
Read MoreIs Twerk REALLY a word?
I just posted this rant on Facebook but wanted to say a bit more. I just read a list of “words” added to the Oxford dictionary and many of them are not words but abbreviations or modified words from people being to lazy to say or spell the whole word. REALLY?? Things such as apols…
Read MoreRespect
Am I Teachable?
In an excerpt from a book titled “Talent Is Never Enough” from John C. Maxwell, he comments that all the advice in the world won’t help if you don’t have a teachable spirit. To know if you are teachable ask yourself these questions: Am I open to other people’s ideas? Do I listen more than…
Read MoreFooling Around With Fonts
Fonts play an important part of many things we do whether we realize it or not. In our day to day life we use text to express our selves in emails and facebook posts and texting and tweets on twitter and so on. In those cases we use Capital letters to SHOUT our message.…
Read MoreMissing Or Poor Use of Your Website Title
I’m back with another episode of the Frank Deardurff Show. In this episode I share another one of my favorite quotes, Share a tip on how to simplify life by organizing your digital files and the business tip with the topic of this post. [powerpress] Here are the “show notes”: 50 Biggest Website Mistakes…
Read MoreBread Alone
Not Accounting For Browser Differences
I’m back with another edition of my podcast show. In this episode we talk about why you want to check your website in various web browsers, how to handle too much email and I answer a listeners question. And as I had hoped from last week the podcast show is now listed in iTunes which…
Read MoreSelf Image
Learn To Grow
I read a lot of quotes as you may or may not know about me already. I find them motivational and thought provoking and of course sometimes humorous. A quote that I read this morning stood out and it is by Ronald E. Osborne. He said, “Unless you do something beyond what you’ve already mastered,…
Read MoreWebsite Content Out of Site Out of Mind
Welcome to the Frank Deardurff Show – It’s official – I’ve published my first podcast episode! As of this post I’m waiting for iTunes approval but I’m guessing it should appear there soon. You can listen below or on your favorite mobile device once we are approved. The plans are to publish this show every…
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