Business Tips
Common Website Challenges
Recently I’ve been working on a couple major site renovations, and in doing so it has brought some things to mind I thought I would share. These items are just a few common website challenges I see many website owners have and they may not even be aware that they are doing these little things…
Read MoreWinning Big is About Making Adjustments
With several sports playoffs going on right now I noticed something about the teams that come out ahead and realized this “thing” is also very true in life and in your business… If you know much about me at all you probably know that I’m a HUGE Chicago sports fan, and I follow several sports…
Read MoreGood Luck Online Support
This is the type of support I’ve been running into of late when dealing with larger companies, “Good Luck” on finding support. Some days it’s just so difficult to find an answer to a challenge you are having with an online service or product. I am sure I’m not the only one that runs…
Read MoreIt’s Ok To Say No
I never make New Years resolutions but each year I focus on a phrase that will help me take the next step to being the person I want to be. Many times that could be a single word such as “Focus” or “Simplify” and while I still continue to work on those things each January…
Read MoreDoes Your Book Cover Have A Reason Why For The Reader
This is final part of the 3-part series “3 Things You Should Consider When Choosing a Book Cover Design” Something that keeps a book from getting purchased is that the reader can’t tell what’s in it for them. They’re interested in the book, they have it in their hands and then put it down without…
Read MoreIs Your Book Title Intriguing Enough
This is part two in a three part series on 3 Tips for Better Book Cover Design if you missed part one click here. When the potential reader DOES look at your book cover and then reads the title, will the title intrigue them to want to read the sub title, or even flip the…
Read MoreDoes Your Book Cover Design Grab Attention
This is the first of a 3 part series which was created with the hopes of saving you a lot of time, money and headaches when planning your book cover design. It was written for those that are getting ready to publish a book (physical or digital) or maybe those that have a book already…
Read MoreStudy what went wrong in your marketing.
One of my favorite quotes is from Benjamin Franklin who said “A mistake is truly a mistake if you learn nothing from it.” And I think the same thing is true with our marketing efforts. Many times we start a project or task and it doesn’t go exactly the way we planned. That includes…
Read MoreRecharging Your Batteries
In this fast pace lifestyle that most of us live these days, its always go, go, go. Eating on the run, talking on the cell phone while doing three other things, and hardly taking any time to sit down and enjoy. We do this in our personal lives as well as our business lives. We…
Read MoreStock Image Resource
As you may have seen at the beginning of my blog posts I pretty much always add an image to the post. This image relates to the story and helps convey the message I’m writing about. Over the past several months I’ve been getting my images from the same place, mainly due to the fact…
Read MoreMid Year Goals
July 1st will mark the mid-point of the year which has me thinking, what goals do I want to reach before the year expires? Are the goals I set on the first of the year still goals I truly want to achieve still? Also are their goals on that list that are no longer relevant?…
Read MoreThe Way You Start Matters
As I approach the next milestone in my life, (The Big 50) I started thinking what would I have done different to get where I am today. Then it dawned on me, what difference would it make now? I’m already to this point and honestly I have to say, I don’t think I would want…
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