Website Video Mistakes

video-mistakesWith more people using video on their website I see this next mistake over and over again.

First let me state that I think use of video on your website is a good idea, as long as it is done correctly.

Many times we see video that has been put on the page below the fold of the website. (Hidden below the bottom edge of the screen,) this is ok but not when the video is set to auto play!

The BIGGEST mistake I see people make with putting video on their website is that they are using a service like YouTube which is ok, but they put the video code on the page as is. What happens when you do this is when the video finishes it shows related videos that the visitor can click on.

This is bad for multiple reasons most importantly is the fact that the user now has a choice to watch a related video or continue through your sales process: hmm, what choice do you think happens here?

Second issue is that the related video shown could very well be your competitor’svideo selling a similar product! Now your visitor has yet another option, not only to watch another video but possibly get interested in someone elses product.

Ok, before you go out and rip down all your YouTube type videos from your web pages read on because this is an easy correction. When getting the “embed” code for your video click the small gear icon next to that URL. That is the “customize” button. This will allow you to check the check box that says “Include related videos”, you can select some other options there as well like whether to show a border or to pick a different size to play.

Once you have these settings the way you want them, grab the URL and post that on your page. And of course upload the new page to your site and watch the video all the way through to make sure you see the expected results.

Finally, don’t assume your web visitor knows how video players work, you want to make it simple so any level of web visitor can see the video. You can do this by adding a line of text (in a smaller font) that says “click the play button with the triangle to watch this video” I’d even suggest adding an icon of the button, or an arrow pointing to the button.

I know that seems simple but the visual command will actually get you more plays of the video.

I hope you found this website mistake use full for other website mistakes visit

About Frank Deardurff

My Passion is my Faith, Family, Love for Music, Art and Photography. I myself have delivered many of my own training courses as well as webinars and teleseminars for many other coaching groups. I’ve also published a book titled “50 Biggest Website Mistakes”. Having many decades of experience in various forms of graphics and IT experience and aspects of online business, my vision is to help others overcome their fears and frustration with taking their businesses online and reach the next level of success.

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