Website mistakes using Hyper Links

This website mistake has been an issue for a long time but with some of the technologies that have been introduced it has only gotten easier to achieve this mistate. What I’m talking about is hyper links a hyperlink is a section of text that has been given some code instruction to go to a…

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eMail Mistake?

Ok maybe this one isn’t a mistake  but a missed opportunity! If you’ve ever done any training what so ever or maybe provide examples of how to do something to your friends or coaching group maybe you’ve made this mistake. Lets say you’re explaining how to do something with an email address, like setting up…

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Interested in increasing your website conversion?

I’ve recently returned from Vegas from Armand Morin’s PersuasionX and AM 2.0 Platinum Retreat (more on that in my next blog post). While there, my good friend Eric Graham was also in attendance at both events. He let me know about a free webinar that he is giving this week on website conversion, so I…

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