Premium iPhone Headphones

I figured I’d write this quick post to share my findings to maybe help others. Since I didn’t find many posts that had a decent review.
Up until earlier this year I had always carried two sets of head phones. I know that sounds crazy but let me explain.

I’ve had many cell phones over the years but have found the iPhone to be the best phone I’ve ever had, but this isn’t about the phone but the headphones themselves. (If you want my opinion of the iPhone i’ll gladly tell you.) and I guess this wouldn’t necessarily be limited to JUST the iPhone as they’s headphones could probably be used on other phones/devices.

Don’t get me wrong the default headphones are functional but with the iPhone having music and video I wanted to hear the high end sound. I really listen to a lot of music while working, traveling and such. I had bought a pair of Sure headphones that work really well but they didn’t have the built in microphone so I would carry the default iPhone headphones for calls which worked until they finally broke.

Your probably thinking why not just use a blue tooth headset for calls, well that would because that would mean something else I’d have to keep charged and yet another cord to pack for travels and so on, plus I’ve never found one that was comfortable to wear or one that I could carry in my pocket without pocket dialing. 🙂

So after MUCH research and reading reviews I purchased a pair of “Woodies” these are retro style headphones that actually have wood “buds” and have a really good sound. The look was really cool as it looked like a retro guitar chord. But for the microphone the results was not as good. I had several issues with the call sounding like being broadcast through a bucket or on a conference call everyone else that spoke was being echoed audible to everyone on the call.

So back to the drawing board…

This week I purchased the Bose MIE2i headphones so far they have passed all tests, Bose systems always have excellent sound and the microphones have passed the first few tests so far by using them on several phone calls and conference calls. These are the most comfortable pair of earphones I’ve had hopefully they make it through the additional tests. I will say they are more expensive then some of the other headphones out there but if you really want good sound and quality these appear to be it.

I’d be interested to hear what headphones you’ve found useful or maybe other iPhone accessories.

I’ve often considered doing my tech reviews, being a web geek I test and look at a lot of items but I’m unsure if others would find those reviews useful.

Leave a comment if you have any input on iphone accessories or if you have comments about seeing future reviews.

About Frank Deardurff

My Passion is my Faith, Family, Love for Music, Art and Photography. I myself have delivered many of my own training courses as well as webinars and teleseminars for many other coaching groups. I’ve also published a book titled “50 Biggest Website Mistakes”. Having many decades of experience in various forms of graphics and IT experience and aspects of online business, my vision is to help others overcome their fears and frustration with taking their businesses online and reach the next level of success.

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