Website Content Out of Site Out of Mind
Welcome to the Frank Deardurff Show – It’s official – I’ve published my first podcast episode!
As of this post I’m waiting for iTunes approval but I’m guessing it should appear there soon.
You can listen below or on your favorite mobile device once we are approved.
The plans are to publish this show every 7-10 days so you will want to subscribe on iTunes once it’s there so you don’t miss an episode.
In this first podcast I share with you an excerpt from my book “50 Biggest Website Mistakes” on Important content above the fold.
I also share with you a business productivity tip.
I appreciate your feedback on this podcast!
Here are the “show notes”:
Bret Ridgway’s 50 Biggest Mistakes I see Info Marketers Make
Robert Plank’s Podcast Crusher
I love your first podcast, Frank! It was concise and insightful. I found myself interested throughout. I enjoyed learning about “above the fold.” I appreciate your shout outs! I look forward to you sharing more of your insights in future podcasts!
Phil Johncock, The Grant Professor
Great kickoff for your podcast. Really catchy music – perfect choice. Excellent content. Way to go, Frank!
Great sound, cool music, useful content – congratulations Frank!
Phil, Jeanette, and Ray, Thanks so much for the feedback your input means a lot to me.
Frank, great first podcast! You gave good, useful information that we can put into practice today. Your voice was clear and your pace held our interest. Keep up the good work!
Hey Rich! Thanks so much for the feedback I appreciate that.
This is REALLY good, Frank! It’s direct, useful, & concise; exactly what many busy people are looking for in this day & age. I especially like the “show notes” & links connected to it all. Very good, please continue with these!
Thanks Ronnie, I appreciate your feedback. The next couple are underway already!