Posts by Frank Deardurff
Hard Drive Fiasco & Data Recovery
Being a tech geek sometimes can have some disadvantages. Just a warning this post might get a little lengthy depends on where the story takes me as I share a recent account of a partial self-induced tech nightmare. I’ve been dabbling in PC hardware, since the mid 80’s actually my first real experience with PC’s…
Read MoreStudy what went wrong in your marketing.
One of my favorite quotes is from Benjamin Franklin who said “A mistake is truly a mistake if you learn nothing from it.” And I think the same thing is true with our marketing efforts. Many times we start a project or task and it doesn’t go exactly the way we planned. That includes…
Read MoreRecharging Your Batteries
In this fast pace lifestyle that most of us live these days, its always go, go, go. Eating on the run, talking on the cell phone while doing three other things, and hardly taking any time to sit down and enjoy. We do this in our personal lives as well as our business lives. We…
Read MoreStock Image Resource
As you may have seen at the beginning of my blog posts I pretty much always add an image to the post. This image relates to the story and helps convey the message I’m writing about. Over the past several months I’ve been getting my images from the same place, mainly due to the fact…
Read MoreAugust is for Great Triumphs – Part Two
In my last post I explained how August was named in honor of the first Roman Emperor because it was a month of great triumphs. This post is in honor of my Mother and how I’ve learned first hand to never just except what life gives you and to never give up! It’s also a…
Read MoreThe Month of August is for Great Triumphs
August was named in honor of the first Roman Emperor because it was a month of great triumphs. Make the month of August the month you conquer your challenges. Going along with that frame of mind, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is our online empire. We do need to be aware though…
Read MoreMid Year Goals
July 1st will mark the mid-point of the year which has me thinking, what goals do I want to reach before the year expires? Are the goals I set on the first of the year still goals I truly want to achieve still? Also are their goals on that list that are no longer relevant?…
Read MoreWordPress Performance Tip
With so many sites these days utilizing WordPress software it is a good idea to keep up with maintenance and performance testing. In this short video I review a plugin that will help determine which plugins are effecting site performance. If you like this video and would like to see more videos like this check…
Read MoreThe Way You Start Matters
As I approach the next milestone in my life, (The Big 50) I started thinking what would I have done different to get where I am today. Then it dawned on me, what difference would it make now? I’m already to this point and honestly I have to say, I don’t think I would want…
Read MoreAre You Using Your Tools Effectively?
I was recently working on a woodworking project that I like to do for fun in my spare time. (Yes shocking, as it may seem, I do find that from time to time.) I realized that I needed some replacement blades and staples to complete this project. I headed off to our nearest hardware store…
Read MoreDivi WordPress Theme Review
This is a theme I’ve recently located and really like the functionality of it. You can check this WordPress Theme review in the video and see what you think for yourself. They offer a really great deal on it which you can see by clicking here.
Read MoreLife Lesson From A Youth Soccer Game
This weekend I got to see my grand daughters first soccer game. Exciting time for us all! Not only did I get to watch the pride and excitement on my daughters face as she watched her daughter take the field but also the excitement and anxiousness of my four year old grand daughter as she…
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