Handling Inbox Bloat

email bloat

If you are like many professionals you run into this problem where your inbox grows and grows faster than you can keep up with so you just scan for things you recognize and tell your self you will go back and check the rest later. I know I’m guilty of this recently I looked over…

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Cool Things Happen


I recently found this site and REALLY liked it thought I would share here in my cool website category/tag. As a graphic artist I really appreciate the cool images also some cool ideas. I hope you like it as well. Check it out at http://www.wherecoolthingshappen.com/

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What’s in a Word?

confused reader

I’m not sure if this is a rant or just sharing a frustration I see from time to time. I do have a fascination with words, like definitions, origins, and how funny the English language can be. Growing up in a single parent home with my brothers and sisters you learned to appreciation what you…

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Sorrowful Pride

memorial day taps

If you’ve ever attended a funeral for a loved one or friend that has served in any branch of military then you’ve heard the lonesome sorrowful sound of the trumpeter respectfully playing taps for the fallen soldier. I have experienced this for both family and friends and every time I hear it no matter the…

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Changes they are a coming….


After many years of rocking the Thesis I’m trying something different. I’ve really liked the Thesis theme but the latest 2.0 was a bit of drastic change for me and I didn’t want to take the time to relearn the whole system just to upgrade. As I’ve mentioned several times over the last few months…

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WordPress Theme Or Framework?


Just a short post today I’m looking at making some changes on my site/blog here I’ve been a big fan of Thesis for sometime but I’ve delayed upgrading to version 2. While it might be a great framework still I’ve decided to see what other options there are out there. In saying that I’m curious…

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