Posts by Frank Deardurff
Video Posts with HTML5
I use quite a bit of video from day to day either on various blog posts or in membership sites for my self or for the clients I work with. A product I’ve been testing lately seems to be working really well it’s the video player from What I really like about this plugin…
Read MoreBuilding Membership Sites
It’shere, are you ready? Spring is here, Baseball season is also here but that’snot what I’m talking about today. I’m talking about my latest course: A membership site to me is a secured area that contains information for your members. That could be a simple membership site for product downloads. Or, an advanced membership…
Read MoreMake Your Own Graphics with Adobe Subscriptions
Adobe has just announced new subscription pricing. What does this mean to you? Well it means, you can purchase applications such as Adobe Photoshop for a low monthly price instead of paying a higher up front cost. This is perfect for the individual or small business just getting going as it makes creating your web…
Read MoreBook Update
Quick Update on the book I’ve written with my very good friend Bret Ridgway. If you follow me on facebook you may have seen some of this info already. We’ve recently viewed the final, final, FINAL revision and everything is ready to go to print. What this means is that we’re in the process of…
Read MoreBlog Changes
Just a quick update – I’ve been making a few changes to my blog, I’m beginning to think I’ll never be completely happy with the look of it LOL. Trying a few things and adjusting others. Finally added my optin back to the right hand side of the blog. I’ve set it in an Iframe so that…
Read MoreWhere To Go From Here?
Well this past month has pointed out some things and made me think about others. In this self imposed thirty-day blog challenge. I’ve learned “I can’t be everything to everyone”, and I want to thank those that commented on one of the earlier posts in January for your candor for sharing your thoughts. You’re right…
Read MoreLegally Speaking
This mistake is pretty common across most websites on the web today. We know we’ve gotten in a hurry ourselves and made this mistake, but it’s critical to be sure not to make this mistake and it is easily remedied. What we’re talking about here is the required legal mumbo jumbo on our websites. Not…
Read MoreLeaving Them Hanging?
This is one of my biggest pet peeves on line. I see it everywhere, and I think some people just don’t quite understand what their missing. What am I talking about? I’m talking about leaving your website visitor hanging. Let me explain… How many times have you been to a website and have to look…
Read MoreHow You Submit Articles is More Important Than Where
The following article is from my good friend Bret Ridgway, I wanted to share this with you for a couple of reasons. Â One is that Bret has a lot of great information to share, he and I are co authors on our book “50 Biggest Website Mistakes“. But more importantly I’ve just recently revamped my…
Read MoreWeb Copywriting Answers!
This is about how to get help from one of the highest paid copywriters on the Internet…for a measley $14. Here’s the story… You already know the importance of great copywriting when it comes to selling your products or services. The right words can get you more customers, more subscribers, more sales and more profit.…
Read MoreGoogle Tabs
I use the Google Chrome browser as my default browser. Mostly because I find it to be faster than the other browsers out there. Stumbled across this quick tip and thought I would share it. [flashvideo file= /]
Read MoreWordPress Plugins
Later this week I will have a post with the top Plugins I use on my blogs ( I had a post earlier on WordPress security). I generally keep it simple on plugins but it really depends on what I’m doing with that blog. Something that I will be adding to my WordPress Strategies Members…
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