Order & Submit Buttons

I see this mistake quite a bit or maybe I don’t! So many times I see order buttons and form submit buttons that don’t appear to be buttons. Many web designers will make great looking graphical buttons to “match” the design of the rest of the site. While these buttons might look nice they aren’t…

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Thanksgiving Wishes 2009

It is Thanksgiving evening, November 26th 2009 and is my yearly tradition to reflect on the past year. My goal for this year was to simplify, organize and try to get some of my projects done. I did make some progress on those goals. But old habits are hard to break. Still working on a…

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Mastermind In A Box Version 3 Available

It’s FINALLY here!!! Version 3 of Mastermind In A Box is finally released. http://www.mastermindinabox.com This has taken a little longer than anticipated as this version is a total rewrite from the previous versions. We’ve added many new features that were submitted by current owners of this application to make it better than ever before. If…

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Auto Responder Mistake, Or was it?

Ok I have to share this with you. After my last blog post I decided to do at least one thing to grow my business each week. So I looked at my action item list of things I wanted to get done but never did. This item happened to be the fact that when I…

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Where IS My Business?

I’ve been thinking about this recently and thought I’d write about it here. In the process of taking the steps to grow my business I realized I need to figure out where my business “IS” before I can build upon it. Now my original thinking was this. I had gotten so busy “DOING” my business…

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Defragging for Performance

Here’s another quick tip to help you AND your PC be more productive. This tip is for Defragmenting your hard drive. Sounds scary I know but it’s not really. There is some debate whether this is still needed or not I believe it is. So first here’s the video on How to do it and…

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Web Biz iPhone Apps

Several people have asked what applications I have installed on my iPhone, well that would be a long list so I though I would focus on a couple that I use for my web businesses. To Keep track of time on projects I use an application called “TimeLogger” really cool and easy to use. Allows…

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Word Document File Sizes

Over the past month I’ve been trying Google Docs I’ve used it in the past in a pinch but recently I decided to use it on a more regular basis. My goal for this year is to “simplify” and doing that I’ve been looking at ways to be able to work more readily where ever…

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Staying Productive No Matter What

Over the past week I’ve ran into some unavoidable interruptions in my daily procedures. Things where I had to be away from my PC and yes before I continue I did suffer from Discomgooglation which is symptoms when people are deprived of ability to get their Internet “fix.” Any way as I was saying  I…

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Lost Pages – 404 Errors

“Page Not Found” This is something just about everyone has seen at one time or another if you’ve spent anytime online at all. The “web” term for these pages are called 404-pages. Now you are probably thinking why is a “page not found” or a 404 error page a website mistake, and that would be…

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Ready for 50 Biggest Mistakes?

Well it appears that my next course is nearly complete! Actually almost 2 products complete but the one I’m talking about is… “50 Biggest Website Mistakes – I see Online Business Owners Make” We are making the final tweaks on it and will be launching it very, very soon. Many of these tips are a…

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