Newsletter and Kicking off 2009

2009 is just around the corner and if you’ve not put plans in place to make 2009 even better than 2008 nows the time to get moving on those plans. First off Armand Morin has created the Internet Marketing Newsletter if you are unsure who Armand is he is one of the leaders in the…

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A Question about opt-ins

Recently someone wrote in and asked “I’m already on your list why do you send me to the opt-in page of your latest promotion?”. Well actually that is a good question and I can understand why they’d be curious so let me explain the reasoning behind this. Obviously when someone comes to one of my…

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WordPress Strategies Proof Inspired Marketing Works

A while back I wrote a post about my good friend Craig Perrine’s Book Inspired Marketing. Well as it turns out I’ve actually experienced exactly what he was talking about. Let me explain each year I try to participate in some sort of charity that helps children. I have two healthy children (well they are…

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Earn some extra cash?

Isn’t it always good to earn a little extra cash? Especially this time of year with higher heat bills and holiday shopping a few extra dollars always comes in handy! It’s actually pretty easy to do, you just find a product you can sign up for as an affiliate and promote it to your subscriber…

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Problems Tracking Time?

If you know me very well you’ll know I go a hundred directions at once at about 100 mph. Of course I’m old enough to be before the “ADD” classifications back when I was in school but in talking with some of my friends I definitely fit the bill. One of the biggest problems I…

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Blog Overhaul

It was time for a much needed blog overhaul the old design just wasn’t working in many ways. in watching stats on many things it just wasn’t doing the job. SO, out with the old and in with the new. I’m trying a new highly customizable theme for better SEO and design. I’ve simplified and…

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eMail Mistake?

Ok maybe this one isn’t a mistake  but a missed opportunity! If you’ve ever done any training what so ever or maybe provide examples of how to do something to your friends or coaching group maybe you’ve made this mistake. Lets say you’re explaining how to do something with an email address, like setting up…

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Do You Share My Frustration?

Just a quick eMail to share a frustration I see my so many of my friends and colleagues struggle with. I get eMails and instant messages from my friends who say they can’t find their web master to get something changed on their website. Obviously I am a webmaster myself but I can’t take on…

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Headline and Subheadline Mistakes…

Headlines and Subheadlines is an area that I see some online business do correctly but they still miss and important step to make the MOST out of them. Let me first explain what headlines and subheadlines are. Headlines are found at the very top of the web page mostly on the opt-in and sales letter…

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Just some fun stuff…

I’ll make a post later today with some good training or marketing stuff but for now wanted to share a couple of nature pics I posted on Flickr. These are just a few of the 100’s I’ve taken. Taking photo’s of nature is something I just like to do for fun. Mostly because i’m…

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Web Page Secrets Revealed

I’m working on my newest course Web Page Secrets Revealed and I’d like your input! I want to be sure I cover everything you want to know about web pages as well as the tips and tricks I’ve learned from being a webmaster for some of the biggest names in internet marketing. There will be…

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Two Dollar Themes

This past weekend I spoke at the Product Mastery Seminar it was a great event. While I was there a very good friend of mine who was speaking there as well pulled me a side to show me a new project is just launching. It just so happens that I’ve been asked about this resource…

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