Posts by Frank Deardurff
Make Website Phone Number Mobile Friendly
Here is a quick tip for you today! More and more people are ditching their computers and checking websites via mobile devices, most commonly their phones. One area that many websites today are missing the mark is by not having their website mobile friendly when it comes to the contact phone number. You have your…
Read MoreYou Don’t Know What You’re Missing
This is a bit of a rant but also a tip for you if you own a website. Since i’m an online entrepreneur and web developer I spend A LOT of time online. This also means I also use the internet a lot when corresponding with other people and businesses. Something recently has kind of…
Read MoreHow Do You Spend It?
This thought came to me as I look through my closet, across my desk and then also as I check spending habits on my bank statements. I’m thinking do I really need this, is it really worth the value that we’ve placed on it? So, I’ll ask you the same question, “How do you spend…
Read MoreMy Focus for 2016
Each year I set out to make this year better than the last and to do that I focus on on a keyword or keyword phrase. If you’ve read my posts over previous years you would see that I’ve chosen words like “Simplify” or “Focus” last year it was the phrase “It’s Okay To Say…
Read MoreHow To Avoid Opt-in Form Abandonment
I was recently asked how many form fields is to many on an option page/form. Or a similar question is are there form fields that will cause opt-in form Abandonment. To answer that we need to look at a few different things… It is hard to give a global answer that meets everyone’s needs. What…
Read MoreiPhone Location Services Privacy Setting
Are you aware that your phone is keeping track of every place you have been? I know for many your iPhone Privacy setting is either or a concern or you may not even know such a thing existed. There is a setting on your iPhone called Location Services Privacy Setting and by default that setting…
Read MoreMissed Lead Follow Up
Recently I decided to do a test on a free checklist for my site and it crossed my mind that there is one step to this process I think many have forgotten. We take the time to create the give away item whether it be a free report, checklist or special training video.…
Read MoreQuick Kindle Publishing
I never really considered myself a “writer”. I mean the thought did cross my mind growing up that it would be cool to write a book, but I thought I would be the last person I know to actually write a book of any kind. Now if you were to search Amazon for my…
Read MoreMeasuring Your Business Success
I’ve heard it said many times you cannot change what you do not measure. I take that to mean if you don’t know where you started, you have no idea if you are improving or doing worse. This is important in life and in your business. In life obviously if we start gaining weight it’s…
Read MoreCommon Website Challenges
Recently I’ve been working on a couple major site renovations, and in doing so it has brought some things to mind I thought I would share. These items are just a few common website challenges I see many website owners have and they may not even be aware that they are doing these little things…
Read MoreWinning Big is About Making Adjustments
With several sports playoffs going on right now I noticed something about the teams that come out ahead and realized this “thing” is also very true in life and in your business… If you know much about me at all you probably know that I’m a HUGE Chicago sports fan, and I follow several sports…
Read MoreGood Luck Online Support
This is the type of support I’ve been running into of late when dealing with larger companies, “Good Luck” on finding support. Some days it’s just so difficult to find an answer to a challenge you are having with an online service or product. I am sure I’m not the only one that runs…
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