These posts are articles, reviews and training's written by Frank Deardurff. They are on a wide range of topics such as marketing, business, graphics, productivity to help you improve your business. Feel free to comment or visit the contact page if there is a topic you'd like covered. OR if you would like Frank to write an article for your blog.
A Question about opt-ins
Recently someone wrote in and asked "I'm already on your list why do you send me to the opt-in page of your latest promotion?"....
WordPress Strategies Proof Inspired Marketing Works
A while back I wrote a post about my good friend Craig Perrine's Book Inspired Marketing. Well as it turns out I've actually experienced...
Earn some extra cash?
Isn't it always good to earn a little extra cash? Especially this time of year with higher heat bills and holiday shopping a few...
Problems Tracking Time?
If you know me very well you'll know I go a hundred directions at once at about 100 mph. Of course I'm old enough...
Blog Overhaul
It was time for a much needed blog overhaul the old design just wasn't working in many ways. in watching stats on many things...
eMail Mistake?
Ok maybe this one isn't a mistake but a missed opportunity! If you've ever done any training what so ever or maybe provide examples...
Do You Share My Frustration?
Just a quick eMail to share a frustration I see my so many of my friends and colleagues struggle with. I get eMails and...
Headline and Subheadline Mistakes…
Headlines and Subheadlines is an area that I see some online business do correctly but they still miss and important step to make the...
Just some fun stuff…
I'll make a post later today with some good training or marketing stuff but for now wanted to share a couple of nature pics...
Web Page Secrets Revealed
I'm working on my newest course Web Page Secrets Revealed and I'd like your input! I want to be sure I cover everything you...
Two Dollar Themes
This past weekend I spoke at the Product Mastery Seminar it was a great event. While I was there a very good friend of...
Product Mastery Seminar Report
Ok JUST got back from the Product Master Seminar yesterday evening. Heather Seitz and Kendra Cecieta put on an awesome event, I was honored...