My Top Blog List
I was originally going to do this list awhile back, and make a list from nominated blogs (and I may still do that) but the list I have here is a list of blogs I actually check at least once a month, some of these I check more regularly than others and several I read from a feed reader.
Hopefully I haven’t forgotten any and reserve the right to update this post 😉 This list is not in any certain order, also there were some blogs that was on my original list that have been removed because they had not had a new post in sometime.
Each of the links will open in a new window so you can check them out and comeback.
If you have a blog based on the theme of topics below please leave a comment and of course as always I’d love to hear your feedback on any of these links.

Web Resources Depot
Bret Ridgway’s Speaker Fulfillment Services
Awesome list! Glad I found them will visit everyone and learn from them. Thanks a lot Frank!