Did you Forget it?


I Have a free video tip for you in just a second but first wanted to share a thought (and a good post) I pushed myself to get up early this morning. Not that 7:30 is early for most but as many know I don’t sleep much anyway. But I was determined to get another…

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Stale Website Content

50BWM Stack

This post is an excerpt from my book “50 Biggest Website Mistakes“. This mistake happens more so with website owners that have multiple sites than those that have just one or two but it happens to just about any website owner at some point or another. What Iโ€™m talking about is stale or old content…

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Challenge Yourself

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After a 2 month hiatus I returned to the gym today. I had allowed my self to slack off from working out due to a business trip, then the holidays, then the thought of “oh, I’ll just do it from home”. Who was I kidding? It’s way to easy to say I’ll walk in and…

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Forced Add-ons

Adobe Flash Upgrade pushes McAfee scan

OK, this is a bit of a rant but I find this SO annoying! You go to install the suggested Adobe Flash update and if you’re not paying attention you get something more. As you can see the check box is already checked by default. Why would you want to push someone else’s product on…

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Things to be Thankful for

Usually this time each year I post things that I’m thankful for but a friend of mine (Stu Mclaren over at http://stu.me) did it a little differently and I liked the format he used so I thought I would share what I posted there. Here is the 10 things I’m thankful for. I’m curious what…

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Buyers Remorse?

Ok I posted this on Facebook but figured it was a good rant for my blog as well. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m not sure if I fully understand Apples Marketing plan – I get the iPad mini (maybe) I mean it seems like they’re trying to back step to grab the kindle fire market. But I DON’T…

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Podcast Question

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I’ve been listening to podcasts off and on for several years some I listen to more than others and I’m seeing more and more of my friends, mentors and clients starting their own podcast shows. I have a question for you about podcasts but first I must explain what a podcast is for those who…

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Weight Loss, Marketing Similar?

Over the last couple of months I’ve been working out at the gym pretty regularly and have been working on losing weight at the same time. I’m doing this for multiple reasons, like loosing weight due to sitting at the computer for 12+ hours a day, being healthier so that I can be around longer…

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Lost In A Niche

I really enjoy listening to music, and I listen to a lot of different types. I utilize music to get me in a mood, out of a mood, motivate me or calm me down. One thing I’ve noticed with music more and more is they’ve over niche’d the genres. What I mean by this is…

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Book Promotions Underway

Finally getting some book promotions underway for my book “50 Biggest Website Mistakes”. It’s been a lot more work getting going than I thought but makes you appreciate it more when it starts happening. We’ve already had our first tv interview for the book, which will be aired this weekend on a local business show…

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Apprentice Marketing Mistake

My wife and I really enjoy watching the Celebrity Apprentice each season, and this year is no exception. I know for myself, I like watching the ideas and creativity they come up with. But something has caught my attention on almost every episode this season. At first I tried to keep it to myself then…

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