Frank Deardurff's Blog

These posts are articles, reviews and training's written by Frank Deardurff. They are on a wide range of topics such as marketing, business, graphics, productivity to help you improve your business. Feel free to comment or visit the contact page if there is a topic you'd like covered. OR if you would like Frank to write an article for your blog.

Disrupt The Normal

Over the last year or so I realize I'm not getting any younger. As of this post I'm on day 20,752! I'm totally comfortable...
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My Focus Keyword

If we strive to make the next day better than the last, or even more encompassing the next year better than the last. I...
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Learn The 3 C’s of Writing A Good Blog Post

When it comes to writing a good blog post there are many things to consider. Actually I could list many things about what is...
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Why Is Marketing So Important To Your Business?

Marketing is the appeal that brings buyers to your product. Think of it like life… When you get to the age of finding a...
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5 Types of Website Help You Probably Need

I know this is a common question for many small businesses or online businesses. Where do I find website help? That is a very...
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Method Acting and Copywriting

Wordplay, word association, word meanings, and quotes. They've all played a part in my mindset when I've started to write anything, and now as...
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Domain Name Fail

In two of my books (30 Minute Web Guides: Getting Started Online & 50 Biggest Website Mistakes) I talk about buying domain names, choosing...
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Change Shortage

Some things we just don’t understand. Right now when I venture out I see signs here and there stating that they have a need...
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A Quick look at Search Engine Optimization

Many online businesses are stuck in that field of dreams syndrome. “If you build it they will come”. That just isn’t true. The website...
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Understanding Domain Names

We all pretty much know what a domain name is but, when it comes to understanding domain names and how it connects to your...
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Success Leaves Traces

I want to share something with you real quick and I'll try to keep this brief.  I found out something better than writing your...
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Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Basket

This age old saying refers to the farmer that went to collect the morning eggs and put them all in one collection basket only...
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