Frank Deardurff's Blog

These posts are articles, reviews and training's written by Frank Deardurff. They are on a wide range of topics such as marketing, business, graphics, productivity to help you improve your business. Feel free to comment or visit the contact page if there is a topic you'd like covered. OR if you would like Frank to write an article for your blog.

Why Do We Stress So Much?

We let so many little things get to us any more. I see it every day and it makes me wonder, Why DO we...
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How To Secure Your WordPress Site

I've been asked several times recently about how to update your WordPress site so that it will no longer show the "not secure" warning...
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How To Create A Stronger Password

This is a topic that comes up time and time again. And as more and more sites are compromised it becomes more apparent that...
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Questions About Small Business Taxes

In my most recent "Don't Ask Frank" series I had the honor of interviewing my good friend Mauricio Martinez where he answered the most...
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Don’t Be A Lazy Marketer

I have to confess, I've fallen prey to this myself. Yes, I'm saying I've been a lazy marketer sad to say. We get so...
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How To Import Files Into Google Drive

I was recently provided a training on Google Drive and shortly after was asked about how to import multiple files into Google Drive. While...
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How To Improve Page Speed

One thing that I've discovered from being online for over twenty years is that you have to stay in the game. You cannot become...
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How Important Are H Tags?

I recently delivered a training for a marketing group about things you're probably missing on your website. One of the bullet items was H...
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Spring Tune Up

It’s finally spring! Something about the warmer weather and more sunshine puts us in the mood to get things cleaned up and back on...
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Pocket App Review

I don't know about you, but I know that I look at a lot of articles and posts that I intend to go back...
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Better iPhone Video

I LOVE taking photos with my iPhone mostly nature, sunsets and grandkids. From time to time I will shoot some video footage as well....
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What Does Your Branding Say?

I recently had an interesting conversation with my 9 year old granddaughter about logos and branding. I was curious about what does branding say...
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