These posts are articles, reviews and training's written by Frank Deardurff. They are on a wide range of topics such as marketing, business, graphics, productivity to help you improve your business. Feel free to comment or visit the contact page if there is a topic you'd like covered. OR if you would like Frank to write an article for your blog.
Small, but life changing!
I seen this story on the news today and it just blew me away. The story explains how Seven-year-old Isabelle Redford takes her art...
Color Scheme Designer
I thought I would show you this cool resource I've been using. And yes it's totally free.
Check out the resource...
Happy Independence Day!
According to wikipedia - "In the United States, Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption...
That One Newsletter – July Edition
Well my newsletter is officially launched! Not exactly as quickly as I had hoped but I hope you find it useful. You can read...
Need an Answer on something?
On Tuesday June 30th I'm having a Questions and Answers webinar. This webinar will replace this month's Free interview call which will resume next...
Do You Have A Question?
I'm trying something a little different this month on my monthly training call series. This month I'm hosting a live webinar where I answer...
Mistakeable Guarantee
This is a common mistake on many websites and that is either a non-existant or weak guarantee. There are many misconceptions about using a...
Somebody’s Calling Me Names!
Ok in this case that's a good thing! In case you haven't heard this weekend I became a Grandpa and I'm really excited. This...
Website Video Mistakes
With more people using video on their website I see this next mistake over and over again. First let me state that I think...
Bing Launched Today
Just a quick post to let you know launched today. Bing is previously know as and is touted to be a "different"...
Online Success Replay Posted
I had a great teleseminar with Dr. Jeanette Cates yesterday where we answered the most asked questions regarding "Challenges About Creating The Online Success...