Staying Productive No Matter What

progress-gearOver the past week I’ve ran into some unavoidable interruptions in my daily procedures.

Things where I had to be away from my PC and yes before I continue I did suffer from Discomgooglation which is symptoms when people are deprived of ability to get their Internet “fix.” Any way as I was saying  I was trying to brainstorm on ideas of how to make sure that I could still be productive or prepared for being “offline” in case of emergencies power outages and things such as that.

So what I’ve done this far is to make sure that I have my to do list up to date. I’ve been currently using the “Things” iPhone application recommended to me by Sylvie Fortin (thanks again Sylvie) this has been quite helpful. I’ve also been trying to keep all of my notes in Evernote which has an iPhone app that syncs with a web account and a desktop account so everything stays in order.

To keep track of time I’ve been utilizing an app called “TimeLogger” but that keeping track of time helps me stay productive as I see where I spend time or loose time and try to hold myself more accountable to track time.

As of this week I’ve been using Google docs more as well so that I can access any writing or info I need to from where ever. Unfortunately you cannot currently edit Google docs 🙁 on the iPhone but I can write any updates in my Evernote and paste it over later.

Buy keeping key things digitally I can access it anywhere mostly from my iPhone when out. Also I’m going back to carrying at least an index card on me in case there is no power in the lifeline uh er iPhone.

One more application I’ve been using more of is DropBox comes in handy for keeping files synchronized over multiple locations.

Also I have a book on hand near buy in case I run out the door so that I’ll have some sort of learning with me in the case of waiting rooms or just down time.

I’m focusing on trying to simplify and prioritize this year and I’m curious to here what methods and systems you use to achieve this.

About Frank Deardurff

My Passion is my Faith, Family, Love for Music, Art and Photography. I myself have delivered many of my own training courses as well as webinars and teleseminars for many other coaching groups. I’ve also published a book titled “50 Biggest Website Mistakes”. Having many decades of experience in various forms of graphics and IT experience and aspects of online business, my vision is to help others overcome their fears and frustration with taking their businesses online and reach the next level of success.


  1. Cathy Goodwin on July 22, 2009 at 11:48 am

    Great ideas…hadn’t thought of using googledocs for backup. Currently if I’m working on something urgent and just want to save that ONE thing I either upload as a page to one of my URLs or mail it to myself.

  2. Motoring Tips on July 22, 2009 at 11:51 am

    Keep everything on a portable drive and use a form filler like LastPass that can be accessed from anywhere (any computer) in case yours is down. iPhone is good, but it’s difficult to work fast with it…it’s better to get 2 laptops and have an alternative internet connection like what a day trader would have.

  3. Frank Deardurff III on July 22, 2009 at 11:58 am

    Cathy – you’d probably like the Dropbox then it works like a folder on your pc but auto syncs to your online account, No uploading needed.

    …Motoring, I’ve considered a mini – netbook have one picked out just haven’t committed to the idea 100%

  4. Ely Delaney on July 22, 2009 at 1:04 pm

    Frank, Great stuff!
    I just found Drop box a few weeks ago. I love it. We’ve even had clients use it too to send us files. Much easier than other systems out there.

    Ely Delaney
    My Business Marketing Mentor
    Knight Tymes Designs

  5. Kevin Bushey on July 22, 2009 at 3:43 pm


    Good insight. Time works against us when ideas flow. I’m partial to google sites and sharepoint to help me stay on task. Love the ability to connect from anywhere with any PC. All part of the KM mindset that is in my free KM video.

    Knowledge Management Leadership

  6. Dominique on July 22, 2009 at 8:50 pm

    I stick to old pen and paper notebook to jot down all the things that need to be done and an organizer to place all the to-do-list. Google docs is great too but the connectivity is extremely slow (internet) in my officeplace so it wouldn’t be productive just using it.

  7. Derek on July 22, 2009 at 9:30 pm

    Hey Frank,

    Evernote is a fantastic application for storing notes!

    I’ve also been using Google Docs more for all my writing projects. The Export To Word feature doesn’t always work, but other than that, it’s great.

    I hear they’re updating the interface in the coming weeks, too!

    For productivity, I created a simple application called The Action Machine (click my name if you want info).

    It’s based on the concept of time-boxing, something I’ve seen Alex Mandossian talk about. It’s a fantastic productivity method whether you use my application or not.


  8. Arun Pal Singh on July 23, 2009 at 3:51 am

    I have learnt it hard way. I do not ever take chances for accidental interruption of my work that owes its reasons to power or network failure. There may be other exigencies but not these causes.

    Keeping two computers, hard drive back up and two internet connection one on pay as you go basis helps me to keep away the hiccups due to these predictable reasons.

    But one cannot prepare for unpredictability. 😉

  9. Patricia Reszetylo on September 19, 2009 at 12:18 pm

    And you know, down time isn’t the worst thing that can happen to a person. Sometimes it’s as beneficial to the uptime to have some downtime in which you just relax or meditate or… you know, relax.

    I know, I’m usually fretting that I’m not getting stuff done, but it’s good on the system to do NOTHING once in awhile. Allows some of the other stuff to “soak in”. In fact, when I’m training horses (or myself) that soak in time is as important as the saddle time.

  10. Clive Swanepoel on September 19, 2009 at 1:11 pm

    Because I frequently work from my office at home I have a DSL connection to my desktop as well as a Verizon wireless connection for my laptop. Being in the Web Hosting business, I need to be able to connect 24/7/365. The Verizon wireless is also great when travelling. I have the $70 per month for 5GB subscription which is pricey, but the comfort level of knowing I have backup Internet access is priceless.

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