Website Versus Social Media

website versus social media

Lately, I’ve been doing some research for some online projects. I’ll get back to that in a moment. But something I’ve noticed is that many people are choosing either a website or social media. That made me think why is it a Website Versus Social Media? I like to keep busy if you’ve not noticed…

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How To Be Intentional

learn how to be intentional

At the beginning of almost every year I look around, I listen and determine what word, phrase, or idea is calling out to me. This year the word “Intentional” has been screaming everywhere I look or listen.  So, now I’ve been thinking about that word and trying to best decide, How do I become intentional.…

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What Makes You Different?

what makes you different

Right now everyone is trying to fit in and be like everyone else. Waiting to see what everyone else is doing before making their own moves. So, what makes you different? What’s your unique angle.  To borrow a quote from the great Dr. Seuss: Why fit in when you were born to stand out! What…

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Are You Just Coasting?

coasting into the end of the year

So, we’re coming into the final stretch of the year and while some people coast into the end of the year, others are gearing up for the first of the year to hit the ground running. What is keeping you from starting off the next year with a bang? If you’ve not done it by…

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One Marketing Thing A Day

One Marketing Thing

I must confess, I have focus issues, mostly because I’m trying to get so much accomplished in my day. I’m sure you are too. I mean really it’s not our faults, trying to run an online business, create products, coaching or whatever you do, it all takes time. Not to mention the things we do…

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Why Do We Stress So Much?

why do we stress

We let so many little things get to us any more. I see it every day and it makes me wonder, Why DO we stress so much?  I think we’ve become a society of worry warts. We can’t say or do this or that because it “might” offend someone. As business owners we second guess…

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Questions About Small Business Taxes

daf about taxes blog

In my most recent “Don’t Ask Frank” series I had the honor of interviewing my good friend Mauricio Martinez where he answered the most asked questions about small business taxes. We had some really great questions submitted and the interview actually lasted 90-minutes (30 minutes longer than planned) due to the fact that Mauricio went…

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Don’t Be A Lazy Marketer

don't be a lazy marketer

I have to confess, I’ve fallen prey to this myself. Yes, I’m saying I’ve been a lazy marketer sad to say. We get so wrapped up in our day to day business and personal lives that it’s hard to check all of the boxes but it’s important to make sure you do some sort of…

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Spring Tune Up

Business Spring Tune Up

It’s finally spring! Something about the warmer weather and more sunshine puts us in the mood to get things cleaned up and back on track after a winter slump. It’s a good time to do a spring tune up for your business as well. Below is a quick list of items you might want “tune…

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How To Write A Book Even If You’re Not A Writer

How To Write A Book Even If You are Not A Writer

When we were young, our imaginations ran wild. We might have dreamed of being a superhero or follow in the footsteps of a role model in our lives. We imagined growing up to achieve greatness. As time goes on, the dream of being a superhero (for some) passes, we still have those dreams of grandeur…

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We Have Contact

we have contact

We have contact, or do we? Why do so many companies make it so difficult to contact them? Here are some thoughts on improving how customers contact you.

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