Business Tips
Are You Using Your Tools Effectively?
I was recently working on a woodworking project that I like to do for fun in my spare time. (Yes shocking, as it may seem, I do find that from time to time.) I realized that I needed some replacement blades and staples to complete this project. I headed off to our nearest hardware store…
Read MoreLife Lesson From A Youth Soccer Game
This weekend I got to see my grand daughters first soccer game. Exciting time for us all! Not only did I get to watch the pride and excitement on my daughters face as she watched her daughter take the field but also the excitement and anxiousness of my four year old grand daughter as she…
Read MoreResponsive Design for Mobile Marketing
While updating a site for a push of the new version of WP Affiliate Toolbox I realized that I hadn’t checked the stats in awhile. Generally this is something I try to do on a monthly basis but I tend to get a bit busy and well, as I’m sure the same thing happens with…
Read MoreYour Website Tagline Is it Good Enough?
This is a mistake I’ve made and am working on correcting once I determine the words I want to use. Maybe I’ll get some good feedback or suggestions from this post which will help achieve the goal I’m looking for. I think for starters I should probably explain what a “tag line” is. The best…
Read MoreIs Your Online Business For Real?
One of the biggest reasons why so many online business fail is they’re not taken seriously! People want the dream of working from home and making money with an online business but they don’t take themselves or their online business seriously.
Read MoreKnow Your Competitors
This is something many business owners never even think about but it is a good idea to know your competitors. One of the reasons is knowing what you are up against. Think about this, do you think a sports team puts their uniforms on and takes the field with no idea who they’re playing against?…
Read MoreWho’s Doing What
This affects small businesses as well as large corporations way too often we hear “that’s not my job” or “I thought YOU was doing that” and in the end nobody did it and something was overlooked. Many times I think we spend more time on titles than we do on actions. In a small business…
Read MoreKnow Your Customers
Many business owners “think” they know the answer when asked “Who are your customers”, but I find that many times they really don’t know. If they do know they don’t completely “know” their customers. We think about this generically but for marketing purposes and to be better prepared to service your customer base we need…
Read MoreCheaping Out In Your Business
I understand that business starting out are trying to save money but this is one thing I think that holds many businesses back. What I’m talking about is trying to use free or “discount” services to run their business. Now before I get too far, there are cases where there are perfectly good free applications…
Read MoreQuick Website Tip You MUST read
This post is for people that own websites or visit websites, which these days is pretty much anyone correct? As you may or may not know I run a hosting company called That One Hosting – one of the biggest issues I see on any hosted sites is that people are running the WordPress platform…
Read MoreFooling Around With Fonts
Fonts play an important part of many things we do whether we realize it or not. In our day to day life we use text to express our selves in emails and facebook posts and texting and tweets on twitter and so on. In those cases we use Capital letters to SHOUT our message.…
Read MoreMissing Or Poor Use of Your Website Title
I’m back with another episode of the Frank Deardurff Show. In this episode I share another one of my favorite quotes, Share a tip on how to simplify life by organizing your digital files and the business tip with the topic of this post. [powerpress] Here are the “show notes”: 50 Biggest Website Mistakes…
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