Enough With The Addon Domains Already!

Ok this may seem like more of a web guy rant, but I’m also wanting to inform you so that maybe you will understand why I think addon domains can be a very bad thing for your online business. Before I get into why I dislike them let me clear up the domain differences. Besides…

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Colors Affect Purchase

I’ve talked about this before but I feel it’s important to cover again because everyone is always looking for ways for better conversion and improving sales. In my post before I explained how website visitors are affected by different colors not just of how it appeals to them but how it psychologically affects them. Today…

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Click To See Price

OK a quick web rant today. In recent searches for some technology upgrades I needed/wanted to make I’ve noticed something a little irritating to me and in my opinion is not a good marketing strategy. (I’d love to hear if you agree.) First let me explain… You search the internet for a what you’re looking…

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Are You “Puzzled”

Just read a post on the blog of a friend of mine. (Jim Howard’s Blog at Live Life Revolution) It’s titled “Build The “Right” Puzzle” and with out giving to much away he does a great job “outlining” the process of building your puzzle so that you can get back on track. If you have…

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Free Apps

It’s probably pretty easy to tell I’m a bit on the geeky side I love trying out new software and Apps on my iPhone and iPad. I found a few free cool resources that I check out regularly that I thought I would share with you as well. Each of these sites also have apps…

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Customer Usability

This in my opinion is one of the most over looked aspects of any business. My interpretation of customer usability is getting the customer to use or consume your product. With the recent holidays just passing my wife and I purchased a couple of gifts for each other for the house. We picked up a…

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WordPress Sales Letter

As I mentioned yesterday I’m starting the new year with trying to write a blog post every day or almost everyday. I want to focus on posts that help you and your business. Today’s post is a resource I know you’ll like. I know one of the things that slow me down when trying to…

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End of 2011 Planning

As we wrap up 2011 I’m curious what strategies you use to prepare for 2012. (Besides flipping the calendar) What works best for you? Leave your tip or suggestion in the comments section below. Thanks

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Social Media Uses

I just got back from a meeting with some of the church staff where I assist where I assist with the church website. Our outreach pastor attended a recent seminar on social media and other avenues for “reaching out”. He shared with me this really interesting video. Of course as a marketer I use social…

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Thanksgiving Wishes

It’s another Thanksgiving, it’s the time of year I like to look back and reflect on the year this far and give thanks and recognize that I’m fortunate to have gotten to this spot in another year. I’m very thankful for my wife of 26 years and our two beautiful daughters who both have now…

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Cost Versus Value

There is many ways to look at this phrase “Cost vs. Value”. At first thought you would think it is in terms of finances or marketing which of course is important but it is much more than “just” that. Cost Versus Value effects every decision you make. Or the decision your customer makes when visiting…

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Direction Not Intention

Been thinking a lot about our recent Sunday service the main impact statement was “Direction not intentions determines our destination”. Our choices in direction leads us down our current path. This makes me realize that people are similar to water, we tend to follow the path of least resistance. To be successful we need to…

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