These posts are articles, reviews and training's written by Frank Deardurff. They are on a wide range of topics such as marketing, business, graphics, productivity to help you improve your business. Feel free to comment or visit the contact page if there is a topic you'd like covered. OR if you would like Frank to write an article for your blog.
Graphic Resources
Occasionally I'm asked about where I get my graphics and of course there is not just one source. Many of the graphics I create...
Lets Get Social…
Every where you look it's "find us on Facebook". Or "Follow us out on Twitter" of course there's linkedIN, Google Buzz and others as...
No (Or Hard to Find) Affiliate Tools
Many times we get so wrapped up in getting the product done and the website up that we forget about all of the details...
Where Did I Put That?
I ask myself this question frequently! (where did I put that information?) In the process of trying to get so much done in a...
WordPress Does This?
I get asked this question a lot, "How Do I turn WordPress Into a Sales Site"? Well a good friend of mine answers this...
Code for the New Year
With the New Year now being here many people will need to update their footer on their sites. Well, that is unless you've taken...
WordPress Security
Some on recently asked what I use to secure my WordPress sites. Here is a few things I suggest I'm sure there is probably...
2010 Year in Review
A lot happened this past year personally and professionally. My wife and I hit our 25th wedding anniversary, not that I doubted we'd reach...
Who’s Watching Your Blog?
I was recently reading a post at TechCrunch about how one browser has over taken another one as the most popular browser for views...
50 Biggest Website Mistakes Update
OK, it's been awhile since I've posted - I'm hoping to post more here in the near future. As you'll soon see I've been...
Email Copy Woes?
My good friend and mentor Armand Morin is revealing his secrets about email marketing. I actually work WITH and For Armand and I...